Facebook Ads Library - How the Ads Library Will Change the Way You Work

By   Sunday, March 27, 2022

Facebook Ads Library - How the Ads Library Will Change the Way You Work

Did you know that there is a Library of all ads running on Meta products? This Library provides transparency into the advertising industry and allows you to search for ads that are active or inactive and is possibly the most effective way of measuring your competitors' Ad success.There are several reasons why you should use the Ad Library:

  • You can analyse your competitors
  • You can see all the ads that are currently running on Meta products. This includes active and inactive ads.
  • You can search for specific ads, or filter by country, product, or date range.
  • The Ad Library allows you to see how much money was spent on an ad campaign.
  • You can also see the number of impressions and clicks an ad received.

How to use it

The Facebook Ad Library is easy to use. Facebook has made it so that almost anyone can access ad information, even if they have never run a business account or used Facebook before.

  1. Open the Facebook Ad Library
  2. Go to facebook.com/ads/library in your browser's address bar
  3. After you've loaded the page, it should look like a regular search engine. Before proceeding, ensure that the correct country.

There are two categories for ads: Facebook has separated issue, election, and political advertising from all other advertisements. If you're seeking for a commercial ad, select "All Ads" (see below)

Then, Find the ad by looking up a brand, just type in the name of a competitor and voila!

View Your Competitor's Ads

One of the most effective methods to figure out what you should be doing is to look at what your competitors are doing. Competitive analysis is a useful tool for learning from others in your sector.

The Facebook Ad Library makes competitive analysis a breeze. You can view all of your competitors' ads, including when and where they're running them as well as how they're wording their messages. Taking note of this content might assist you to improve your Facebook ad strategy by looking to the competition's best practices while avoiding its most egregious mistakes.

Even if you don't like your competitor's ad campaign, there's always something to learn. Data from your competitors can show you what to do, what not to do, or even inspire you to develop a new approach.

Try the Report Feature

If you're searching for more specific data points, the report option is a good place to start. The Facebook Ad Library report feature allows you to modify your broad search so that it only includes advertisements relating to politics, elections, or significant social issues.

This data can be divided by advertiser, spending amount, or even geographic location. This demonstrates Facebook's push for greater marketing transparency and enables users to hold the site accountable.

For marketers, the report function may be a goldmine of information regarding how Facebook advertising is being utilized. Plus, what's working and what isn't, as well as where you may need to adjust in your strategy.

Filters allow you to find specific media types.

The capability to filter advertisements by medium type has just become available in the Facebook Ad Library. You can now narrow your search results according to whether they contain pictures, memes, videos, or transcriptions of videos.

This is an excellent approach to gain ideas for your own marketing campaigns and figure out what type of material connects with customers in your sector. If you've been thinking about utilizing memes in your advertisements, check how this method performs for your competitors. You may do the same thing with video content and ad types like carousels, collections, and playable ads.

More to tips to come on how to use the Facebook Ads Library to improve your campaigns. Until then, If you are looking to generate more leads, sales, and traffic through Facebook or Instagram Ads look no further than One Orange Cow, Facebook Advertising Agency Sydney. Reach out for a Free Discovery Session Today.

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