How To Outsource SEO The Right Way (Don't Make These Common Mistakes!)

By   Sunday, November 14, 2021

Source: Youtube

Outsourcing SEO can be a great way to save time, but are you making these common mistakes which could be hurting your ROI?

In this blog you'll learn about the steps you need to take before hiring an outsourcer, as well as what needs to happen once, they're on board with your company.

Decide your goals before reaching out

Providing your outsourcer with a clear Objective will ensure they have an actionable and measurable goal target to move towards.

A clear goal can be as detailed as, Improve our year-on-year Organic Web Traffic by 15% in our second Quarter.


As simple as we want to appear on the first page of Google for these keywords.

Either of these provide the Your outsourcer needs a clear idea of what they're working towards, both in terms of KPIs and long-term objectives. If this isn't outlined, the job will run far less efficiently. In other words: Don’t call the waiter over of you don’t know what you want.

Understand the Components

We don’t mean you need to be an expert in fact that’s why you are reaching out for help in the first place but to better understand where you want to be, you need to understand in context where you are.

In essence SEO has three areas of focus:

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